Why flush a diesel engine?

It’s often been said, “If your engine’s oil is changed according to schedule, it should never need a flush!” In a perfect world this might be so, but there are numerous factors which will cause engine sludge to build up, and piston rings to become fouled. With emission control components fitted to...

Engine Sludge…Act quickly, or it’ll kill your engine.

Engine Sludge...Act quickly! Or it'll kill your engine! "Engine sludge is on the top of the agenda again..."  Engine sludge affects both petrol and diesel engines, and is surprisingly common. Engine Sludge is a gooey, tarlike deposit that reduces or shuts off oil circulation and can mean thousands of dollars to...

Fix low compression on a Toyota engine

At CEM, one of the most common problems we get asked about is stuck rings, and how to fix low compression on an engine. So when we saw this old 1997 Toyota Corolla on its way to the wreckers, we though this could be an easy save! This Toyota Corolla has...

My diesel has black oil after an oil change.

One of the most common questions we regularly from owners of diesel engines is, "My diesel engine gets black oil again quickly after I do an oil change... Why is it doing this, and is it normal?" It’s very common, and while a lot of our customers believed it was...